Essex Facelift

If your hair isn't long enough for an Essex Facelift* and you want to know what you would look like post -surgery, wrap your hair tightly in a towel.

That's exactly what I was doing back in January - (Peering in the misted bathroom mirror made the potential result look even better.) when I heard a loud knock at the door.

"Come in"
I shouted, thinking it was the girlfriend who was giving me a lift to a girly night out. Here in the countryside we rarely lock our front doors.

She is always early, I am always late - it's a flawed friendship.

"I've just got out the bath."

No reply.

I wrapped an extra towel round me and scampered down the stairs thinking she hadn't heard.

There, hovering in my hallway was a guy I'd met in a pub on Christmas Eve, in the village where I lived a good number of years ago.

He said in his best Terry Thomas voice, holding a bottle of Champagne in one hand.

"Ooooh Hello.. I thought you were somebody else."

"I can see that."

" No! Not like that. I'm just getting ready to go out. Anyway how did you know where I live?"

"I asked around"


"Would you like to go out with me some time?"

"I thought you were seeing someone. "

"Well I am, but I don't want to be. Her ex husband has cancer, and I don't want to upset her, while he's ill."

"OK, well when you're not going out with anyone else, let me know"

Fortunately the friend arrived at that point, looking quizzically at me clutching towels and him clutching champagne.

I'm not sure she believed my explanation.

I haven't heard from him ....


* Essex Facelift: Hair pulled back very tightly into a ponytail or bun.

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