Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Middle Earth?

Thought the above guy looked a bit like an orc and deserved his own blip. It was either that or I had to choose from a tonne of pictures of the kids. Actually make that a tonne of pictures of O as it seems that D takes relaxation on holidays very seriously and decided to have a three hour sleep this afternoon! Think it was probably due to the fact the we spent three hours at the swimming pool this morning with two of those spent going up and down the damn water slide again and again and again!

However, it meant that myself and O had a lovely afternoon together while Daddy looked after D.
We managed to squeeze a lot in:


Stepping stones, waterfalls and fish

Pony trekking - O managed to choose the naughtiest and greediest pony so I spent 45 minutes battling with the lovely 'Rusty' to get her to stop eating the grass and going off course. Myself and Rusty didn't leave on good terms!

Playing in the huge playground - I think O managed to go on just about everything several times over.

A visit to the barns to see the pigs, donkeys and goats which O fed.

More bike fun.

We then all had a lovely early evening meal in one of the restaurants to round the holiday off. We head back home tomorrow but will treasure the memories (and the photos!) from the past six days. Oh, just read that back and it sounds a bit more mushy than I intended - sorry. We have had a lovely time though!

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