Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


Champen-where I hear you ask?! Good question. It's a tiny little sleepy village somewhere in the Lorraine region of France. You know when things have gone so well that you know something bad must just be around the corner. Well after my mushy entry yesterday about how lovely our holiday had been, it ended in tears today.

An overview of our day

Hubby drove into a large rock before we'd even left Centre Parcs.
We managed to drive for approx. 50km before the car started to feel really unwell.
We limped to a tiny village to see if there was a garage.
Everything was shut.
Of course - it was Good Friday.
We went to the local Gendarmerie (Police) who were also shut. However we managed to speak to someone over the speaker system. He pointed us towards another village approx. 15km that should have a garage open.
We limped on and got a little bit lost. We spoke to some locals who were lovely and pointed us in the right direction.
Eventually we found the garage.
It was shut.
However we only had to wait approx. 1 hour before it opened.
During all of this I am the epitome of calm and am a very supportive wife. It was a silly mistake which could have happened to anyone, I say.
The garage was a very local run down type of place which looked like it hadn't really changed much since the 1970s.
Turns out that we need a whole new radiator which they didn't have.
Several phone calls and one is located. Hurrah I hear you cheer!
The radiator took three hours to arrive.
There was no where to go apart from a local garden centre which were giving away free balloons. The kids were happy at least.
By 5pm we were still stuck outside the garage sitting on a small grass verge.
At least it wasn't raining, but my blood was beginning to simmer I admit.
By 5.40pm we were on our way.
It only cost us 450 euros. I am quietly sobbing now.
Anyway, we were on our way and we were all safe and heading home.
After about an hour my hubby realises that we don't have any petrol and the light is flashing and we can't find a petrol station. My blood is definitely bubbling by now.
We pull off the motorway and by some miracle find one.
It is shut.
We find another.
We miss the turning and end up in Luxembourg city.
More time added to the journey.
We still manage to make light of it and have a giggle but only because the kids have been absolutely amazing and O has entertained us the whole way in the car.
We arrive back in Brussels just before 10pm.
All is well until...
we enter our home to find that my lovely hubby accidently switched off the fridge/freezer before we left.

My blood is well and truly boiling by now.

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