For the family

By RonaMac

Will this do?

Bird life was busy in the garden this morning, so we checked out the remote camera in the bird box for action. Here

Nothing to be seen initially and all was quiet, but we left the TV on the external input channel with the volume up. A few minutes later there was a great commotion with squeaks, chirping and a lot of scrabbling about. We were just in time to see a pair of great tits giving it the once over and by the time I grabbed the camera one had left, but the remaining one spent several minutes carefully checking it out!

The pair came back several times during the afternoon and repeated the procedure. We will wait to see if any nesting material appears.

Before all of this happened, I blipped a Goldfinch for the first time in the garden.

And for today's hat trick, this little blue tit sat in the feeder resting in the afternoon sun. No frantic bobbing about, but a gentle survey of the surroundings Here

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