Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Being Followed

Walking in the back yard with the pooches after getting home this afternoon, I was about to click a photo of the roses when I realized I was being followed. I don't very often post shots of silhouettes, but when I get a glimpse of a shadow it always grabs my attention. So it was fun to see this one fall out of my camera this evening.

This was the last day before my spring break begins. So it has now started. Woohoo! I had a good time with my Thursday morning students. They had a project to submit today, so oh boy I have more papers to grade, but my students arrive at the threshold of this week-long vacation with no homework for my English class. I think it is important for them to have some time off. I did explain to them that I may not get their project graded during the break. Because well . . .

Well, because Mr. Fun and I are planning to runaway for as much of this spring break as possible. We've even decided to take the three pooches with us. We had so much fun taking them with us back in January that we're going to do so again. Chloe, Mitzi, and Max seconded the vote. They love going. We do have several quality places to board them that are reasonably priced, but we just really like having them with us. We must be are truly crazy.

And where are we going? Well, we've narrowed it to somewhere between San Diego and Monterey. We're just going to go wherever we darn well feel like going. That definitely means to the shoreline of the Pacific. The sound of the waves, the breeze in our face, and sand between our toes -- that's what we call leisure, lazy, and lovely. We'll be headed out of here after celebrating Easter.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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