Life, not as we see it.


The signs were there, had we but seen them!

Arrived Kowloon late last night. Were upgraded by hotel to a De-Luxe room. Size of 1.5 shoe boxes, with 80 x 120 cm inward protruding glass boxette containing the facilities. Glad neither of us are tall / long legged. Shame one of us is a bit noisy in the loo dept.

Weather putting a bit of a dampner on activities, as it's cold (25 deg C) and wet. Still we managed to get out a bit after changing our plans a wee bit. Now flying to Guilin instead of train & bus. Takes 1 hour instead of 2 days, and fares not too damaging.

Kowloon side Hong Kong reminds me a bit of NY, NY, and that reminded me of Glasgow, but taller. Same here, but pavements in better nick, and no Irish bars so far. Can't count the shops in any one block. They are piled on top of each other, down alleys and in basements, and they are all attended by Gok Wan's cousins.
Went looking for jeans as it's chilly for shorts, but they are all too skinny for the fuller Scottish fine figure of a man.

Planning to go to the peak and take a ride on the Star Ferry sometime tomorrow.

Nothing much else to say about HK. Not my C.o.T., I think.

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