Fairy Lochs

As promised, the snow arrived overnight although the wind was more of a problem than the snow. The tents were solid enough - we'd learned the last time we were here, when many other tents were flattened in high winds, that normal tent pegs tend to rip through the soft sandy ground so we were staked out with big flat pegs - but other stuff, especially the Moore's big awning, were blown around. Poor Clare got a good soaking while we slept snug on down mats and under layers of down.

Ewan and Hannah were booked for a day of horsing - grooming, mucking out, riding and horsey-related crafting - so they were dropped off and we headed for Badachro and a walk up to the Fairy Lochs and a war grave. Even though it was cold in the wind, we seemed to be sheltered from it for most of the walk and the sun was out. Wee Ellen did a grand job of slowly climbing the whole way up without complaining.

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