Dear Heart

By dearheart

Tied Up With String

Dear Heart,
Out of nowhere, a brown paper package tied up with string arrived from my best friend. Wrapped up in tissue paper were six little cream eggs. A pearl of a morning.
On the trampoline I started thinking about all the other mornings I've spent bouncing away sadness. I didn't think it was possible to ever want to leave Swansea, but perhaps you can only live the same routines a certain number of times before the memories evoked by each moment become confused. Nothing is every purely happy or sad. It's an unsettling combination of the two.
That old sadness is rising up again. That sadness and that fear. To rid myself of it, I helped Chloe clean out the monsters, paper and dust from underneath her bed. Our room smells of fresh starts now.
Love, Lydia x

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