
By pennipics

Fix and Go!

I wish he would! his mother's friend lives opposite our flats and to be fair he calls sometimes but he seems unable to drive and turn his van without driving into 'our' wide enough for bus drive without going on the grass in front of the flats!.
And I do mean wide enough for a bus because one drive every week night at 18.05.
I'm just having a moan because am still waiting for my new X10 to arrive guaranteed to be delivered by Amazon before 13.00
Am delighted so say it has just arrived; Mike; Jaynes brother has brought it he works for CityLink he should have finished at 11.15am! now Pauline's at the door.
I need to pop out to get a loaf but must unpack the I'll leave it till later.
Have a lovely Easter everyone cheers penny.

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