A confused genius

By Lez11

A day of recovery

Woke up this morning still drunk after yesterday's session up Wolverhampton. After watching wolves lose we then went on a pub crawl and ended up in the Cuban exchange where we decided to hit the shots. I lost count of the number of cookies & creme, squashed frogs and strewberries & creme shots we done.

Whilst on the pub crawl, the royal London pub has a sweet machine grabber, (like the teddy grabber machines u get on the fair but this had sweets in it). We must have put a fortune in this machine just to win a couple of sweets, (pic). I'd have been better off going to the shop next door and buying a packet of sweets.

Today has just been a day of recovery with a loverly turkey roast dinner round my moms. I'm going to put feet up tonight and watch the drama unfold on the final day of the masters.

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