Lawful Intentions

Traprain Law and Kippielaw farm from the East Linton to Hailes Castle road, East Linton. My friend Iain was over today - he's riding his bike in the picture, best view large.

Big Law.

Thankyou everyone for your kind words yesterday!

We went out in the afternoon for a tour round some of my favourite routes - via one of my favourite pubs, the Linton in East Linton :)

We had a great time, covering 16 miles in all which was good going, since Iain's a bit off-form. Apart from swearing a bit at the westerly wind, I think he had a good time ;)

We went from West Barns on the road to Kirklandhill then the Tyne path to Knowes Farm and on to Phantassie - and the pub :)

Then via the Hailes road above, and a bit of a push up to Kippielaw. From there along to Biel on the Stenton road and we went barelling down through the Biel estate. We finished off along the Tyninghame Bay path and popped out at Hedderwick Hill for home again.

The children are here for the week now so we'll have a great wee break together :)

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