There and back again

By Mikes

The Commandment Stones

A blip for Easter Sunday
In 1928 a local Dartmoor land owner, Mr William Whitely, commissioned an Exmouth stone mason, W.A. Clement to carve the 10 commandments onto two large granite slabs on Buckland Beacon. Dartmoor. This was to celebrate Parliament deciding not to adopt a book of common prayer. After he had completed the 10 Commandments there was still a large slab of rock left. So Clement added another "commandment" and the words from a hymn.

I give unto you Love one another. John 13 v 34

Before the hills in order stood,
or earth received her frame,
from everlasting thou art God,
to endless years the same.

Clement's started work on 23rd July 1928 and took about ten weeks to complete the work out in the open, during which time he lived in a small hut nearby.

It is now very hard to read some of the words

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