Harbour Seal

The time is late and the day has been a long one. Dropped Mrs. Joesblips to the airport early this morning for her flight to the Netherlands for a short visit with on old friend. Went off up the coast north of Dublin to do some blipping but the day was relatively dull and nothing special presented itself until I got to Howth on my way back to the city in order to visit my Dad. In Howth I found a Dolmen, sadly dillapidated, which I had never seen before and which I may post in my blipfolio tomorrow. I also came across a bunch of 6 seals which were providing splendid entertainment for the assembled visitors dowm at the harbour. Someone from one of the restaurants was feeding them with fish and boy were they hamming it up for the crowds. Amazing really considering these are wild animals but they have grown accustomed to the presence of people. One seal in particular had a trick whereby if he hadn't been fed for a few minutes he would float with his head above water and beat the surface with one flipper like a child demanding more cake at a birthday party. I have a shot of him in action and again will post it to the blipfolio.
This particular guy was a real poser and I'm posting this one because I love the little droplets on his whiskers.

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