Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Roo hundred no Two hundred!!

Thank you all for joining me on "The Incredible Journey" yes this was a title of a film and yes it did involve a dog, I hope my dogs have kept your all entertained, they are all very important to me, Kanga bless her is a complete looney, and I truly mean it, what other dog would run round dressed in a Manchester Utd shirt because she sneezed and mummy thought she had a cold.Mexxi although new to the pack is a cute little girl feeling her feet and hopefully will become a therapy dog.

What can I say about Bean, some of you have met her and I'm sure you agree she's a little looker, with the sweetest nature anyone could ask for she to is a therapy dog, ideal with children.

Finally probably the most famous Chihuahua in the land Roo, he has given me so much over the last seven and a half years, he has twice been runner up at crufts for therapy dog of the year he has his own fanclub, he was in the last 30 dogs for Andrew Lloyd Webbers Toto.

Thank you all for following our blips but thank you Roo for being my best mate.

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