Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Shepreth Wildlife Park today. We last went there for C's third birthday, so it has been a while. It rained on and off, but it has a small but useful soft play area which the kids loved. They did an Easter Egg hunt in their 'Rabbitland' which was a bit of a damp squib due to there being a queue to go in at the entrance (one of three) we went to to get in. By the time the people at the front realised it had started, most of the eggs had been collected. THe other issue was that it was supposed to be one egg per child, but I saw a little s@$t of a tenish tear old drop his bag and dropp 11eggs and his equally awful mother tell him to pick them up quickly. My two got the last two eggs (I'm sure some kids didn't get any), the keeper hid them specifically for W and C. I might add I didn't see the ten year old until after we had our eggs, the keeper was by this time at the other end of the area so there was nothing I could do (plus the adults with him looked quite scary!).

If anyone reading this gets the Cambridge News and there is a photo of the Easter Egg hunt at Shepreth with their Skunk, would you let me know as my C is in it. Thanks.

Favourite animals were, in no particular order: Otters, Tigers, Meerkats, Rabbits and ducklings.

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