Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Sealife Centre

We took advantage of a 2 for 1 deal to have a day out at Great Yarmouth and visit the Sealife Centre there.

Driving in was lovely. Elizabeth kept pointing out of the window saying "Wow! Look at that!"

After parking and feeding Rebecca, we started off at the Pleasure Beach. Elizabeth is still quite short, so there were a limited number of rides she could go on and she had to be accompanied. She went on the Snails, the horses (twice), a Stuart Little car, and the Tea Cups. She loved them all, but she looked overwhelmed!

She also tried the Fun House, but came out very quickly because they had a section at the start that was too dark.

Next we went to the Sealife Centre. Elizabeth went through the place at a good pace, but stopped to look at some things in more detail. I don't know if I've ever been into one of those places, maybe once in St Andrews with my little sister? But I was impressed. Everything is at kids level. They can get right up close to the fish etc.

Rebecca woke up when we were going through the glass tunnel. So she was very wide-eyed very quickly!

And we finished the day by having freshly made doughnuts before driving home.

Great day!

This evening Rebecca was really trying hard to get her toes in her mouth while she was in the bath. it was hilarious to watch.

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