Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Love it when the forecast is wrong

Today was supposed to be a rainy day, according to the weather forecast. Well, we got a couple of very light showers and the rest of the time it was rather nice.

We went to the Ecotech Centre in Swaffham, for lunch and a look around. They have a viewing platform at the top of a wind turbine, but they wouldn't let us take the girls up so we just had a look around the grounds.

Lunch was very tasty, and they have a play area for the kids and lots of room to run around outside, so we may go back.

Afterwards, as it still hadn't started raining, we decided to look for a few geocaches nearby. I had spotted a kids magnifying class in the gift shop at the Centre for 50p, so I bought that and let Elizabeth find it as her first "treasure". She told me that she "Luffs her magnet glass".

She also loved the stickers she "found" next. So much so, that when she was in the car, she stuck them all onto her trousers. She put all of the smiling ones on one trouser leg, and the one sad face on the other trouser leg. Then she told us that "this one is sad". Eventually she gave it to us and asked us to put it in the bin!

The next cache had a box with lots of things for exchanging. Elizabeth took a little phone book, and we left a pink flower hair slide (never used). Back in the car the smiley faced stickers got transfered into the new book.

Another lovely family day.

Back at the house, Rebecca was giggling like crazy at her daddy. Got a video of it. :)

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