Grey Skies - Thoughts on a rainy day.

It's funny that on these days, when your stuck in the house. Due to the weather, being so wet with skies the hang just above the roof tops. With leaden clouds that scud endlessly, from one horizon to the other.
Today was one of these days, when you craved the sun and blue warm skies. Days that yield, bird song and beautiful spring blossom. Instead the blossom on the plum tree (Prunus domestica) in the garden was quick blown from branches and over the gardens in a snow storm of white petals.
Even the birds seemed to have been grounded and not a single one was seen on the bird feeders! Feeders still full with fresh seed and fat balls.
Instead we were visited by a new cat on the block! A young male part ginger and white cat. Who sat a the back door in the rain calling to me saying "feed me!" To which he was met with a NO! GO AWAY!
He sat there for a good ten minutes, before giving up and wondered off down the garden and off though the shrubs. To the delight of our own cats. Who will fight off any other cat that comes into the garden!
What will tomorrow yield? Rain? return of the new cat? Who knows? But hopefully at least some sun and blue skies!

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