
Quick trip to Benidorm today, it's only an hour from our house. I've booked a group of us to visit the Benidorm Palace, see the show, have a meal and a night in a 4* hotel, needed to check the hotel out as one of our party has mobilty problems and I needed to make sure that her room had a walk in shower, rather than one of those over the bath.

Hotel receptionist was very helpful, we spoke a mix of English and Spanish, whilst she was dealing with me, the "gentleman" behind me was huffing and puffing, as mine was not a quick query, he was obviously waiting to check in, despite the fact that you can't get into your room until after 3pm and it was only 2.15pm this did not seem to register with him, also the pervading aroma of body odour was eminating from him, which was not nice.

Query sorted, I made the point of thanking her using my best spanish, smiled at the man behind me and walked away.

We decided to park the car and go for something to eat. Walked along the prom, which is actually very nice, stopped at a Spanish restaurant , I had double egg and chips, Roy had an English breakfast and we both had a beer, lovely. It's not very often we indulge in food like this, both cleared our plates.

It was strange watching people in the various states of 'dress' it ranged from t shirt and shorts, (English) jeans, boots and coats (Spanish) and a variation in between.

Home and a nice cup of tea.

Healthy salmon, carrots and green beans for tea.

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