A confused genius

By Lez11

The hunger games

Work was hard today especially after being off work for the last 4 days.

I did receive a call from the crown prosecution services. At first I thought was the wrong number, then I thought someone is winding me up but was actually a call for me. It was to do with a couple of guys who were caught stealing cables from the railway which we installed and it cost my project an additional £100k. The 2 guys had been found guilty and the judge & the council wanted additional information from me about how much cable theft costs the railway a year. What impact it has on the railway and the people who use the railway. I provided the information and it was because they are sentencing the 2 guys on Friday.

Tonight I'm going to the cinema (pic) with my mates to watch hungergames. Its the first time ive been to the cinema in 4 years, I'm excited.

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