Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A moments silence..

Your not aware of it until it it's not there, like the carpet under your bed, the wall behind that big picture or the wind in your face.

I went out into the sunshine across the Fens today in the search of some empty space, a void of people, no human traffic, just the wind, the faint smell of rain and bird song.
The soft earth beneath my tires muffling the noise of the bike. Turning down one field then another on ancient trackways that have seen many feet, many journeys.

Robins, Blackbirds and Song Thrush added the serenade to the dance of my wheels, blissful in my own little world .

I made my way in a complete circle around Ely, only disturbed when I had to join the roads, with angry sounding cars shouting in my ears. My finish point was to be a favourite stop...Cuckoo Bridge.

Looking out across the Fens, leaning on the bridge in the same place as always, it took a few seconds before I noticed that it had gone....the wind...nothing!
Perfect birds, cars, people.....nothing. The silence and stillness shouted at me.
Suddenly it was there again...a moment of silence and stillness, perhaps just for me....


Three hours of pure magic!

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