Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Chico, The Toco Toucan

Usually when we go to Whipsnade I try to shoot the Harris Hawks or the the Bald Eagle, but today I only had the little camera and Chico was posing.

Hard day today, all in all. Kids niggled and squabbled all day, and I mean all day. At one point I could have happily left them in the there. Normally the zoo is a great day out, but Will had a distrubed nights sleep and I think C needs some time away from W. Luckily that will happen tomorrow when C spends the afternoon with Nanna and Poppa and I get some boy time.

Highlights (and yes even though it was a hard day there were some) include: William pretending to drive the train all te way round (15mins +). Carys almost getting knocked over by the baby elephant on its walk, but she forgave it 'because it is only a baby and wouldn't have weighed much'!!! both kids being completely perplexed by the four turkeys puffing themselves up and then jumping simultaneously when all four 'gobbled' at the same time.

Lowlights: William taking 1hr 45mins to decide he had finished his lunch and throwing a wobbler every time I suggested he leave what was left as he hadn't eaten anything for over 5mins. Carys throwing a full on screaming strop in the zoo carpark on the way home. Losing my lovely thermal fleecy gloves in the toilets when we arrived. They literally vanished into thin air, I have no idea what happened to them.

Now for The Apprentice, a glass of white wine and my ironing.

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