
By m13ster


there is so much beauty in the world.

Which obviously interrupts people from disposing of their rubbish in bins.

If you look really close you can see a helpful bin, just innocently hanging about, not five feet from where this bag was impaled upon a branch that reminds me of Beaker from the Muppets.

I was going to rant about how this bag (which is a rather posh and superior kind of sandwich bag) made me get rather cross about the upper strata in our society...but decided I would leave the vitriol for another day. Or for the next Marxist Meeting where I would be 'among friends' (until they saw my rather elite bourgeois trappings - or more likely I would see theirs).

But then this poor little bag did a great thing, it reminded me of a great film. And what is more, the film had (has?) a great soundtrack.

So I am off to watch American Beauty..yay

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