
One of those post-holiday days where you're a bit out-of-sorts and neither here nor there and not really sure if you're glad to be back or not.

But my local swimming baths is still a splendid place to pass a bit of time and I actually surprised myself at putting in a decent performance considering it was the first big swim with proper lengths for a while and I hadn't exactly been taking it easy on the food and drink for the last week or so either. Pretty encouraging all round. I'm not looking down in this photo all sad and dejected like some poor sap, it just makes a change from being all blurred or looking directly at the camera. Variation on a theme if you like.

I quite often get big, joyous, orchestral, majestic tunes coming on my ipod when I'm in the supermarket. They're the kind of tunes that make you want to hug the girl or boy on the checkout, slap the headphones on whoever's in line behind you and scream 'listen to this!' So, guess what came on as I was stood there waiting today. Only a Lidl special, that's what.

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