Back To Reality

After having a couple of fun & laughter filled days, it was back to reality today. My niece Bernie went home, Arwen got stuck into tidying her room & I got stuck into the housework. Not what I really wanted to do today as I'm aching like mad but it had to be done. So, with help from co-codamol I got stuck in and have got most of it done. Only the kitchen & living room to do but I really cannot face doing them today, so they can wait until tomorrow.

I had to take the littlest monkey to the doctors later this afternoon as she's grown something nasty on her heel. It turns out it's a verrucca! They don't give you anything for it now, so we'll be visiting the chemists tomorrow to get something to get shot of it. We took the scenic route home and ended up in Happisburgh where I just had to take some photo's of the lighthouse :)

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