
By nate29482

Tick, Tock

Work dragged on today, so my blip is of me watching the time. It's also ironically of my new watch that I got the other day. I like it a lot, I tried to a good picture of it, but since it kind of bends the light keeps making these weird marks in the photos and the camera was having a really hard time focusing. Anyways I was reconciling July's statement (I'm behind) and I was reminded why I've been procrastinating this month so much. We had quite a few checks that bounced on us that month and dealing with them in our system is just a pain - I have to make journal entries and all this mess, I don't like it.

Other than that went to beat kitchen again, I know I'm going there a lot since the waitress new my order before I said anything. After Matt & I did the legs and back routine of our workout. Now I'm deciding on if I should watch a movie, play a game, or read a book, hmmmm.

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