CUBA DAY 6: 60th Birthday!

So this is what 60 looks like, sitting on the balcony of a beautiful restaurent in Havana, overlooking the seawall and ocean.....warm breezes blowing and the food and company were delicious !

We had a spectacular last day in Havana. I was more prepared for the onslought of local folks peddling something or other, and managed to side step quite a few, not all...but most of them! We spent quite a bit of time in the Museum of Revolution...boy what a time Cuba has had! the actual museum was once the palance of Batista...opulant, beautiful...marble everywhere....and then contrast that with the story being told...pretty dramatic.

Also found our way to a very huge market place....hundreds of stalls with all sorts of wares being sold: paintings, wooden crafts, jewelry, clothing, food and beer of we spent a good couple of hours doing some final shopping. Terry bought me this fabulous hat and a couple of wonderful necklaces....we had a great time, altho it was extremely stuffy and hot! but by this time i had the whole haggling thing down.....just walk away and man does the price drop. I'm not much of a one for bargening, i actually hate the whole process, i like to see a price and know that is what is expected! Nothing had prices attached it seemed to depend on who you were and where you came from! I did eventually start to enjoy it to a small degree :)

Then off in search of a place for our final supper! I was happy when we found this place and it proved to be a great choice. We used the Loney Planet Guide a lot and it was well worth consulting!

Not too shabby a day for my 60th birthday i believe, we had a wonderful time. Got back to the hotel in time to say our goodbyes to the lovely waiters at the restaurant.

Up early next morning, for a taxi to the airport at 6.30am.

It was a very long and grueling day's home to Big Hill around 10.30 pm, having driven thro a snow find the house warm and welcoming!

Nice to sleep in my own bed!

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