Day 8

No1 son and I got up at some ungodly hour and headed off to get the sunrise on a lighthouse right on the tip of Cape Greko, below the cliffs which we had seen when shooting the sunset.

We got to about 400 yards from it I suppose.
Then we came to the fence that surrounds some radio masts. The fence crossed the spit of land from small cliffs to ??? small cliffs - making it impossible to get to the lighthouse.
This was infuriating because from the cliff tops we had seen that the fence did not go as far as the lighthouse and did not go right to the edge of the land - it was just at this narrow neck.
Obviously a boat is required.

A quick run up the coast showed that there was nowhere else with a decent subject so we were redused to going back up to the top of the cliffs and making the best of a bad job.

If you ever go to Cape Greko, whatever you do do not follow the sign at the top to get to the sea caves ??.. It points you over the edge of the cliff with no path.
We did try following another path that took us down below the cliffs and may have taken us to the caves but they were going to be facing away from the light, couldn't have been very big judging by the fact that the rocks extending out from the cliffs for a fair distance are only about 10-15 feet above sea level..
So we headed towards home - stopping to take some shots of a nice little church which has an outside, underground series of chambers filled with religious icons and shrines.

After a couple of hours more kip SWMBO, No1, daughter-in-law and I went into town to do some 'tat' shopping for friends at home after which we sat and had a late, leisurely lunch while there was a bit of rain. It was still lovely and warm (21C) and the rain brought out the smell of the orange blossom even more.

In the evening SWMBO and I stayed in and cooked some pasta. It is just as well we hadn't planned anything more adventurous as we found the house has the sum total of a frying pan and one very small saucepan - neither of which have obviously never been used (likewise the oven and grill) in the 4 years the house has been here.

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