Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Day 9

I was woken during the night by torrential rain - and a spot of thunder.

I don't remember ordering that.

However, it had stopped before SWMBO, No1 son and I headed off to look at a couple of fairly impressive churches.
One was huge - but locked so we couldn't have a look inside which was a shame as I understand it is very grand inside as well out.
The other was very small - and stuck on top of a damned great outcrop of rock and reached by 200 steps (which were all of different heights, widths and angle of slope which made it hard work - especially on the way down).
Outside the church there were a couple of bushes which were covered in objects, bits of cloth and messages - each of them were a memory of a loved one. We have nothing to leave but our thoughts of those who have died and gone from our lives in the last few years.

The rain started again as we went for lunch - and stopped before we finished. How considerate.

SWMBO managed to spot a bead shop on the way home - so of course we had to stop and buy more.

Late afternoon and we packed ready to leave.

The power went out just as I finished my shower - great timing again as the water also goes off with the power.

So we headed off early to the airport and stopped at one of the British military bases on the way for our meal. It is very good of them to allow all and sundry to visit and eat at one of the nicest beaches on the island -- just a shame you are not allowed to take pictures.

At the airport it was hugs and thanks all round with daughter-in-law-to-bes parents. The next time we see them will be at the wedding next year.

Then it was the usual hanging around an overheated airport, people watching and having a laugh at the duty free items. Duty free they may be but profit free they most certainly were not. Everything in the place was more expensive than High Street prices.

And of course - there was a delay in take off after the inevitable rush and melee to get on board. Not a long delay and as I type this the Captain has just informed us that we will arrive back in the UK on time ??. The middle of the night.

Then it will be a taxi back to No1 sons house for a kip -- something I can never do on a plane. So I have nearly 5 hours of hell before me.


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