Towards Barnagheehy

A nice morning pottering in the garden - sowing courgettes, planting out peas, potting on tomatoes.

In the afternoon we ventured up Mount Corrin - we cheated a bit and went up the short but steep way. The views are sublime. At the summit is a cairn - current thinking is that the core is old but the rest has been added to more recently. It's an impressive thing and mini cairns are springing up all over the place. Son number 1 tried out his rock climbing skills and took a million blips for a panorama from the summit. The cairn was sturdy and uninjured.
More larks and lots of butterflies. It was bright and sunny with the odd smattering of rain and hail and some fantastic clouds.

Tonight we are out to supper at Colin and Ginny's and Traveller's Joy and her visitor will be joining us - should be a very pleasant evening.

Last night's The Hunger Games was surprisingly good - surprising because I didn't think it was my kind of thing. It had some interesting things to say about the craziness of humans. Oddly, the audience was almost entirely made up of young teenage girls, all texting, giggling, slurping coca cola and chomping popcorn. And why do they go to the loo so often, and in pairs??

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