
By tpd

fingernail: 1, eye: 0

I had high hopes for today: lovely weather and I was planning on cycling to work, work itself was going well with good progress on a number of fronts. And then, as I was wandering around the kitchen carrying +3/3 first thing a stray hand managed to poke me hard in the eye.

It wasn't +3/3's fault; he's teething at the moment and is very grumpy and wriggly and my eye just happened to be in the wrong place. The only problem is that +3/3 is a big chap and not a weakling.

Cue hobbling through breakfast with one eye shut and some cursing. +1/2 applied a lovely pad to my eye but by mid-morning the eye was still shut and rather painful. A quick call to NHS24 (helpful as ever; one of the few expert systems I'm continually impressed by) and they told me to go to A&E, not passing GO.

Despite A&E being busy I was seen very promptly. The triage nurse gave me some anaesthetic drops that worked in seconds (amazing!) and then through to see the nurse practitioner who said "yes, I can see why that might hurt". The picture is of my eye once dyed; the green area is the area of conjunctiva removed by +3/3's fingernail. He did, however, tell me that (off the record) alcohol is the most effective painkiller in this case...

If I had my time again, I'd study medicine.

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