My life in blips

By Goretex


Mags, Wifi, the dogs and myself headed over to Falkland today, driving the "local" route (ie lots of windy roads and passing through all the wee villages).

Walked through the woods up to the Pillars of Hercules Organic Farm Shop and Cafe. It was just brilliant to be sitting OUTSIDE in the SUN enjoying lunch, In contrast to yesterday's haggis supper tea, today's lunch was fully organic and vegetarian!

During the car journey, Mags pointed out various birds and favourite views of Fife. We practised our French with Wifi, although she seems to have forgotten most of her native French - Google Translator was sometimes quicker to use!!

On return to Crail though, noticed MP limping and some blood on the floor, so we had to hot foot it (no pun intended) over to the vet in St Andrews to have her cut paw looked at. No stitches, but another week of anti-biotics for the wound. I say another, as she had just finished a course that morning for a wee bug she had last week! C'est la vie!

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