Glory Days...

By emkingcol


Today was awful. Nothing major, just a really rubbish day. Never starts great when your employees text to say none of your new starters have turned up for work.

It never fails to amaze me that you give someone a job, especially when there are not many about, and they can't be bothered to get out of bed.

Personally, I don't think they should ever be entitled to any benefits ever again. The worst thing about it is that it is not a one off. It happens on a weekly basis and then they come crawling back a few months later, hoping we would have forgotten that they didn't turn up. I never forget.

So, spent the day refilling jobs that we had worked our backsides off filling in the first place. My 'to do' list didn't get touched.

Rant over.


My day got even worse when I couldn't find my swimming trunks. Only had them last week and no doubt buried under a mountain of children's clothes somewhere.

When I get an idea in my head, like swimming, I need to do it otherwise it plays on my mind and agitates me.

Didn't find them so bought a new pair.

The Family finally cheered me up just by being them. A truly crap day but not the end of the world.

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