The Fleet

Well, here is the Florida Fleet. I have to say that we're missing two from the fleet which is my dear Goat and the Golf. Still got to figure out a way of 'importing' Goat to the US at some point, but it's only a few months now till the Golf starts making tracks here! Time is flying by now.

I say a "few" months, but it'll be February. Considering the car will be 25 in March 2013 (it's US import qualifyer), 10 months in it's life will be quite short.

But, it does mean that it'll need to start moving onto a driveway in the next 4-5 months to prep to come out here. One this is that it needs to be driveable, otherwise I'll get hit with some horrible shipping charges. It also needs an MOT - not for the US - but to get it's specialised number plate of it (not about to lose £1500).

Then there is the issue with Goat. Which will be a bit harder.

The US rules that 25 year old vehicles get in without any issues. Goat is 6 this year. There is a possibility that the US will change to 15 years, but that'll still leave a good few years for it to wait. There's no hurry as Goat is living with a good friend of mine who I know is taking good care of it. But there will be a day when it'll outstay it's welcome with him. Dunno how I'll do it, but Goat won't be sold. Of all the vehicles that I've ever owned, Goat means the most to me.

(It hasn't gone un-noticed that all the vehicles bar one, have an animal name - Mustang, Goat, Dog, Rabbit. And the Smart is the odd one out - Bumble bee?).

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