Beautiful Old Farmhouse

Staying with friends this evening so whilst we were there we popped into meet their parents who live next door. It'd be rude not to.

The parents live in the old farmhouse, a house that seems to have been in the family for a good many years. I didn't quite catch how long but they even had the original title document for the land from 1820. Signed on behalf of the President of the day.

Our friend is a little unkind about this old building but I loved it. Yeah, it will need a bit of work one day in the future, but I've seen a lot worse than this, this house doesn't even rate. You don't often see it on these old building, but with the age and condition, it has that ever missing character that so many buildings lack. It has a long history, a place on the hill, a house that everyone in the area knows. You don't get that with a cookie cutter house on an estate somewhere.

If I had a tripod with me (duh) and some filters I could capture this a bit better. The weather has/had a wonderful sky to it. Wish I could have spent a bit more time with this shot.

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