Dear Heart

By dearheart

Live, Laugh, Bathe

Dear Heart,
For Jacob's 19th birthday we had sausage and eggs for breakfast, then headed down to Langland to show Siân the sea. She started bouncing like a little girl! It makes me so happy to see everyone so relaxed with one another. The boys built stone towers. The girls basked in the sunshine and took turns teasing me. Mamma Mia calls me "Lydia Lens" now, which I suppose I've brought on myself.
We had burgers at the Harvester and came away with our bags bursting with bread rolls harvested from the buffet. I believe the total gleaned was just under 20. I feel like a wanted criminal.
Love, Lydia x
P.S. As it was Jake's birthday, my blip should really have been him. But I have so few photos of Dad looking natural in front of a camera. He's usually so tense!

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