Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Baby Cakes...

Cake or death? Ooh, cake please.

A few weeks ago I showed The Dog a picture from a magazine of a wee girl sitting beside a mahooooosive white cake that had been cut into to show an array of rainbow colours inside.

I just thought it was cool, I didn't actually think 'yeah, let's have some of that'. Bry must have looked at the picture though and thought 'yeah - let's have some of that', and promptly went about working out how to 'make some of that'.

For those of you who know us / read my Blip (so thats almost EVERYBODY then...) you'll be a bit freaked out when I tell you this...Ida is one on Wednesday. Yeah. I know. 1. MENTAL. Believe me, you're no freaking out as much as I am right now.

Regardless. Today we had a wee, lovely, busy and AWFY cute wee birthday party for her and her wee buddies and Bry got the perfect opporchancity to bake that rainbow cake....and yeah, it tasted every bit as good as it looked...SCOFF.

3 sleeps till she's really 1. I am gonna be out of control emotional over the next few days. Why do I have to be such a sap all the time?!!??!?!?!?!

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