Family Dog

By Family_Dog

cake break

After the hectic activity of making the crispy cakes, Arlo earned a well deserved rest and spoon lick.

Unlike his cheeky wee sister who spent the entire time clanging a spoon against the glass bowl, eating anything she could get her chubby wee hands on (including an empty paper cake case) and then throwing everything onto the floor with a look of sheer defiance on her face.

Almost as if she knew all the effort was for her birthday party so she could damn well do as she pleased with them! The pair of them ended up head to toe in chocolate crispies (especially Ida who quite fancied the idea of shoving her foot in the bowl...the hygiene was quite hard to protect!) so I threw them both in the bath to begin the great wash.

All of the hilarity seemed to have added to the taste of the cakes, they were pretty damned tasty, even if we do say so ourselves. Well, Ida doesn't - she just says 'mmm, mumm mumm mummmmma'. But I think that's what she's trying to say...

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