
Can I go back to bed yet?

Started tax returns and child tax credit forms this morning, and then all work stopped while we went up to the hospital for my diabetic retinopathy. Steve took the boys to the beach after dropping me off, and I had eyedrops and flash photography. Suitably stunned I donned sunglasses and after being picked up again we headed back to the beach via a cafe for a very strong coffee in an attempt to survive a supremely bouncy Ben while not being able to focus on anything or move very fast thanks to the combination of eye drops and only 3 hours sleep. Back to the cafe for lunch, and then home via a craft shop where Ben had to go up and down the escalators several times. I have no memory of the evening (this is a backblip) other than I must've finished off the two tax returns and got most of the child tax credit claim form filled in, before we went to bed.

Ah yes, bed, that's what happened. Steve fell asleep on the sofa, I took the boys up to bed (at 4.30pm) for a nap, and stayed there until after Ben was asleep for the night! He managed to take himself downstairs, wake Steve up to get him some dinner, and back to bed....

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