What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

Junk Yard

Woke up early this morning and headed out to do some blipping. A co-worker of mine and fella blipper IGoByJonny told me about this area in Pomona, California near the train tracks where I could find graffiti. Found this one.

This area was secluded, however about five minutes into taking pictures I looked over to the left and noticed something. It was a very large dog (maybe a pitbull) without a leash. His threatening stance and his eyes locked into me made my heart skip a beat. I froze and remembered that I'm not suppose to run or make eye contact. So I decided to take a few more shots without moving. I looked over again and now he was closer to me. I started laughing to myself while praying and thought what the hell am I doing invading his territory. I took one more shot before I decided it was time to go. I turned around very slowing and stopped, peaked over and I can feel his eyes on me. Funny I was nervous but laughing at the same time. Started taking steps towards my car, got in, locked the doors and looked over my shoulder. He was gone.

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