Love Him

2years 178days

No matter what, she always returns to him. She got a new friend this weekend, a rabbit "ellie" (what she calls those toys that have a little soft toy head and a small blanky-type bit) and she has loved rabbit-ellie a lot this weekend. But Monkey always goes to nursery, always plays alongside the other friends. Even if he is merely observing in regal fashion, at her instistance, he's there.

Today she is wearing a new dress. I think it's meant to be long but its a proper maxidress length on her. She insisted she still wanted to wear it though. I love the colours on her. Not sure its totally appropriate for nursery, but I've sent leggings too!

As we passed our local shop this morning, she remembered once going for an ice lolly and decided she wanted to go Right Now (she did say please very nicely too though) so we're having an ice cream break on the way back this afternoon!

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