What happened was...

By DJHairbear

That Would Be An Ecumenical Matter!

Fans of the 90's TV comedy series "Father Ted" will appreciate the quote, if not it's the only remotely amusing church related title I could come up with.

This is our local church, St. Mary's in Willand which was built in the 1400s. According to the parish website, this building is much smaller than the original church at this site which is surprising when you consider the size of the village nowadays let alone back in the 15th Century, I'm amazed they needed a bigger building than this one.

Having looked through the Church's graveyard it seems Willand lost a great many soldiers during the war, again judging by the amount of names on the war memorial and the size of the village I would imagine most if not all of Willand's families would have lost someone fighting for their country.

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