What happened was...

By DJHairbear

Another Busy Sunday!

One of these days I'll actually spend a weekend doing nothing! I always seem to be involved with something when I'm not at work, I've only myself to blame though as I'm one of those people that just has to be occupied with something all the time.

Inbetween watching the British Touring Cars we spent the afternoon tidying up Gem's new car, it's scrubbed up really well and most importatly Gem is really pleased with it. I've also been finishing off the shed, I'm amazed at how much space was being taken up in the house with all the bits and pieces from the garden!

The Touring Cars provided their usual blend of excitement and wheel to wheel action, I had thought about heading up to Donington but having heard just how cold the East Midlands has been today I'm glad I watched it from the comfort of my sofa. I think Jason Plato's antics in race 3 may earn him a time penalty at the very least, I'm not sure there is anything in the rules that allows a driver to use the car in front as a brake? May well be heading to Thruxton in 2 weeks time for the next round so looking forward to that!

I've finally sat down to relax for the evening, I know I took a photo of the clouds earlier on this week but couldn't resist using this shot today!

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