A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Back to reality

Marking the return to work/school normality with a return to bathroom blips. One of the nicest things about coming home was returning to our finished bathroom. Even better was the realisation that we have inadvertently included an iPad shelf in the design so I can watch telly in the bath. Hurrah.

Usual unproductive first day back but oddly didn't feel too down. Visiting other big cities has reinvigorated my love of London - not that it really needed it mind, but it's still nice to be reminded. And a very sociable weekend with lots of friends and family has helped with the coming home joy. I've learnt to have low expectations of myself on the first day back after holiday so sending a couple of emails and unloading the dishwasher felt pretty good.

It won't if it happens tomorrow mind.
Lesley x

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