Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Home again

I'm back! We had an amzing holiday and I really don't want to have to get back to normality!
We got back at about 4pm yesterday after a very long flight, well 3 flights actually, and a very slow train journey. I think it took about 36 hours door to door but it felt like about 5 days and Cameron and I were ill with a tummy bug on the flight! Not pleasant.

Today he is fine but I still feel ropey. I have managed to get 4 loads of washing done and dried though which I think is a pretty major acheivement!
C is back to school tomorrow and A is back to pre-school so normal life resumes.

I've started backblipping the holiday photos but have only got to day 4 so far. They start here or just go backwards from today. It's taking ages as I need to sort the photos then I end up on Wikipedia and other websites reading up about everywhere we went to make sure I tell you all the right stuff.

PS. The duck is sitting on a Maori flag.

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