Giving this a go...

By Debiives


Eeeking out the NZ blips a bit longer by blipping the glass plate I bought. I've been at work and it's been very rainy so not much photographic inspiration today.

I went back to work today. It was fine but I'm still not 100% after the stomach bug and obviously we're all tired to we'll all be glad to get to Friday. None of us have been waking up early or at silly times so we're really lucky to not have bad jet lag but we're all tired. I'm desperate to get out for a run as haven't been for over 3 weeks but I know going before I'm healthy will be a bad idea.

I've blipped a few more holiday photos too, go backwards from here to see them.

PS. I'm trying to catch up with you all but it's going to take a while. Thanks for all the nice comments on the holiday photos so far.

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