Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Claire and Mum.

Night before the Wedding.

All of our side of the family have gathered together at the Norton in readiness for tomorrow's festivites. It's been a bit of a mad day getting everything and everyone here, despairing at the traffic jams in and out of town, battling through the unbelieveable downpour, doing the rehearsal down at Cramond, then back into town again to retrieve my forgotton underwear (not as bad as it sounds) and finding time to eat/breathe...but we are all here, everyone has had a massively overpriced G+T and we're pretty chilled out considering!

At this moment I think we are all more tired than excited so heading off to bed early, very much looking forward to tomorrow though and crossing our fingers than the horendous rain we had today is all rained out! Along with the underwear I picked up an armful of umbrellas, just in case ;)

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