eye of the camera

By telefoto


this morning we pottered about we did laundry and kids played and did some drawing ..we had lunch then ventured out to robinswood hill.

we were looking for the rams that our friend had seen a cpl of days before but we had no luck,but we did make it to the very top of the hill which we have never done before in the 7 years we have lived here!

the view is stunning and I was AMAZED on how far you could see and amazed that we have a brilliant place for wildlife and views literately 5mins away from home....

we have something on our door step that we never realise how important or beautiful it is ...we should all take time to take in what's around us and look after it once its gone it gone. ( you never realise what you have had until its gone or taken away from you ) this is true in so many aspects of life don't you think!

although some might say that the area we live isn't the best its our home and in the past few weeks I have found things that I never knew were here and they are beautiful! I don't drive and to have green spaces so close to home with wildlife is fab! and the fact we are so close to the city is also fab we have the best of both worlds, and life is what you make of it. Our house is our home and yes the area is not great but we have grown to like it and there is so much to it if you just look closely.

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