Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Sky Tower

Holiday backblip- New Zealand- Day 6

Tough choice of what to blip for today but thought as I'd actually made it into one of the holiday photos I'd blip me! This is the view from the observation deck of the Sky Tower, about 190m off the ground. The bit of land on the right of the photo, in front of the fried egg island (Rangitoto) is where I took the photo on Monday from.
The observation deck has glass floor sections which I did manage to walk over but my stomach still flips slightly looking at the photos of the boys lying on it!
Before we all went up Ross was persuaded to do the Sky Jump (he was desperate to do it but needed persuaded to spend the money on it) and he jumped off it from just above this point to a platform just above the ground!
The sky jump is described as 'a cable controlled base jump' and if that doesn't help you know what it is look here. He loved it and it did look fun but I don't think I could have stepped off the edge.

In the morning we went to an aqaurium that had Emperor and Adele penguins that you saw from a little snowmobile thing that went through their enclosure. It was very cool. The shark bit was really good too with a tunnel to walk through where they swam over your head.

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