Have you seen..........
.............the price of doughnuts?
I stopped off on the way home from Manchester - someone's got to go! - at Chester services and was amazed to see this sign.
Do people really pay this much for a doughnut? That works out - on their 'Special Offer' -at 62.5p each. That's over ten bob in old money. I wouldn't pay that even if I wanted one thanks very much.
Not when I can remember them at 3d a go!
And weigh this up with this - and read Minty's comments as well - if you will and tell me where the sense is?
Anyway, coming down off my high horse and on a different matter altogether. One of my reasons for stopping at the services was to get a coffee.
Is it just me or is there some variation in amount, strength, quality and temperature of the coffee they serve at Costa's?
Don't get me wrong, as I far prefer them to some of the other coffee establishments, but there does seem to be some discrepancy.
Maybe I will start my own little survey and to kick it off.............Costa at the M56 services sell a good cup of coffee!
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